Weight Watchers

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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
11 Früchte Müsli mit aromatischen Früchten & Getreideflocken 132.3 40 g 554 3 26 0,88 5 Detail
apple pear crumble yogurt 58.9 pack (120 g) 247 5 9 0,12 0,24 Detail
Aromatic Chicken Tikka and Basmati rice 361.1 380 g 1 512 24 46 8 5 Detail
brotaufstrich margarine Weight Watchers 16.9 piece (10 g) 71 0 0 2 0 Detail
filet de Saxe-ham 11.2 piece (10 g) 47 2 0,02 0,14 0,01 Detail
Flat multigrain rolls 880.1 pack (344 g) 3 685 32 168 8 32 Detail
ham-chicken filet de poulet 31.2 portion (30 g) 131 6 0,36 0,63 Detail
Jägerschnitzel mit Champignon Sahnesauce und Kartoffeln 297.1 portion (400 g) 1 244 29 31 4 7 Detail
jägerschnitzel Weight Watchers 295.9 400 g 1 239 29 31 4 7 Detail
jong yen hard cheese 30% 69.0 portion (25 g) 289 7 0 5 0 Detail
Light cheese slices 43.4 20 g 182 6 0,02 2 0,02 Detail
Linguine au jambon cru 292.8 pack (290 g) 1 226 18 35 8 4 Detail
low-fat cottage cheese Weight Watchers 59.7 100 g 250 10 4 0,2 Detail
Malted Danish Sliced ​​Bread 2.6 1 g 11 0,12 0,45 0,01 0,04 Detail
Paella au poulet 0.9 1 g 4 0,07 0,12 0,03 0,02 Detail
Poulet au curry noix de coco chicken with rice and coconut sauce 297.1 portion (300 g) 1 244 20 33 8 4 Detail
Reduced fat creamy cheese 1.4 1 g 6 0,11 0,05 0,09 0 Detail
Reduced Fat Grated Mature Cheese 429.9 pack (200 g) 1 800 61 1 20 0,2 Detail
Salami Weight Watchers 278.2 pack (120 g) 1 165 25 0,24 20 0,12 Detail
Salt and Vinegar Hoops 3.8 1 g 16 0,04 0,83 0,04 0,03 Detail
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