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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Alme with yogurt 118.4 50 g 496 4 3 10 Detail
Almeto cottage cheese with herbs, Hochland 68.3 30 g 286 2 2 6 Detail
Almeto with horseradish Hochland 254.3 100 g 1 065 6 6 23 Detail
Almeto with tomatoes 65.2 portion (30 g) 273 2 0,9 6 Detail
Almeto yogurt 345.3 cup (150 g) 1 446 10 6 31 Detail
cottage cheese Almeto 46.5 20 g 195 1 0,8 4 0 Detail
cottage cheese with basil Almeto 69.0 30 g 289 2 1 6 Detail
cottage cheese with garlic Almeto 53.0 portion (25 g) 222 2 2 4 Detail
cottage cheese with yogurt Almeto 355.8 standard amount (150 g) 1 490 10 9 31 0 Detail
Cream cheese with herbs, Hochland 74.9 portion (30 g) 314 3 2 6 Detail
fluffy cottage cheese with herbs Almeto 61.1 portion (25 g) 256 1 1 6 Detail
Four Emmentaler cheese Hochland 41.7 piece (18 g) 175 2 1 3 Detail
Four Cheddar cheese Hochland 42.0 piece (18 g) 176 2 1 3 Detail
Four Cheese Hochland Maasdamer 41.5 piece (18 g) 174 2 1 3 Detail
Gouda cheese sandwich with light Hochland 2.8 portion (1 g) 12 0,23 0,03 0,19 Detail
Hochland Almeto curd cheese of 21% with 150 g tomatoes 2.3 portion (1 g) 10 0,01 0,08 0,21 Detail
Hochland cream cheese 40.8 17 g 171 2 1 3 Detail
Hochland cream cheese spread 58.5 portion (25 g) 245 2 2 5 Detail
Hochland cream cheese with Swiss cheese 70.4 portion (30 g) 295 3 2 6 Detail
Hochland creamy melted cheese 2.6 1 g 11 0,1 0,07 0,21 Detail
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