
Značka nemá žádný popis

Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
apple strudel Delta 279.4 100 g 1 170 7 52 4 3 Detail
apricot delicacy 283.9 100 g 1 189 6 53 4 Detail
Blueberry delicacy Delta 299.2 pack (110 g) 1 253 6 57 5 2 Detail
Bread wheat rye Delta 134.4 50 g 563 4 27 0,4 2 Detail
breadcrumbs Fr.Odkolek 211.1 portion (50 g) 884 7 37 4 2 Detail
Buckwheat groats with Himalayan salt 71.6 portion (20 g) 300 2 16 0,02 Detail
cake with raisins and almonds Delta 1316.0 pack (400 g) 5 510 34 220 31 10 Detail
Castle Christmas cake Delta 324.5 100 g 1 359 8 60 7 Detail
cereal croissant Delta 265.8 60 g 1 113 7 25 15 2 Detail
croissant soy Delta 193.4 piece (60 g) 810 7 31 4 3 Detail
Crumbed baguettes wheat 4.2 1 g 18 0,04 0,74 0,07 0,01 Detail
curd delicacy 299.7 portion (110 g) 1 255 10 51 6 Detail
Czech buns filled with cheese Delta 108.1 40 g 453 4 17 2 0,72 Detail
Czech buns filled with plums Delta 111.7 portion (40 g) 468 2 20 2 0,88 Detail
delicacy salty cheese variations 423.2 pack (110 g) 1 772 10 48 20 Detail
Delta curd delicacy 299.7 pack (110 g) 1 255 10 51 6 2 Detail
Delta Czech buns filled with poppy seed 136.1 piece (40 g) 570 3 20 4 2 Detail
Delta Delicacy Cream 310.9 110 g 1 302 6 60 5 2 Detail
Delta delicacy strawberry Good brunch 277.7 pack (110 g) 1 163 6 52 5 2 Detail
Delta goat milk 160.0 250ml 670 9 11 9 Detail
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