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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
4 Lollipops lollipop fruit juice 49.9 13 g 209 0 12 0 Detail
Butterscotch candies Sweets with cream 21.0 piece (5 g) 88 0,02 4 0,38 0 Detail
Candy drops with cream 16.9 1 piece (4 g) 71 0 3 0,28 0 Detail
Fleck Cream Caramels 44.4 piece (11 g) 186 0,36 9 0,9 Detail
Lollipop Lollipops Cola & Lemon Flavor 50.3 piece (13 g) 211 0 12 0 0 Detail
Toffee Selection 99.8 piece (24 g) 418 0,19 19 2 Detail
Toffee Selection Emotional 27.4 piece (7 g) 115 0,04 5 0,64 0 Detail
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