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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
bulgur salad 125.1 100 g 524 6 16 4 2 Detail
Bulgur with dried tomatoes and Parmesan cheese 187.9 150 g 787 9 24 6 3 Detail
carrot crackers 361.1 portion (100 g) 1 512 8 10 28 Detail
cookie n.1 64.0 50 g 268 4 8 2 Detail
fitness elephant 199.9 100 g 837 6 33 3 5 Detail
Cheesekake with blueberries 160.0 100 g 670 7 18 6 Detail
lemon cake 321.9 100 g 1 348 9 36 15 0,7 Detail
Nectarine pancakes 1.6 1 g 7 0,06 0,26 0,04 0,03 Detail
Pizza Con Salmone e spinachi 794.1 380 g 3 325 45 85 31 7 Detail
Zucchini stuffing with Balkan and curd 0.5% 226.1 piece (130 g) 947 15 17 11 1 Detail
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