LR Healt&beauty systems

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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Aloe Vera Gel 1.9 30 ml 8 0 2 0 Detail
Aloe Vera Gel drinking Freedom 4.0 portion (10 ml) 17 0,3 0,69 0,01 Detail
Aloe Vera Gel drinking honey 32.0 100 ml 134 0 7 0 Detail
Colostrum 1.9 1 capsule (1 g) 8 0,34 0,09 Detail
Crunchy muesli FiguActiv Shake Cranberry 132.7 portion (35 g) 556 15 7 4 Detail
Fiber Figu Activ 25.7 10 g 108 0,42 0,85 0,03 5 Detail
Figu Activ crispy bar with caramel 230.4 piece (60 g) 965 15 24 7 Detail
Figu activ Erdbeer banane 63.7 portion (28 g) 267 6 5 2 Detail
Figu activ protein drink vanilla 46.3 portion (12 g) 194 10 0,54 0,41 Detail
Figu activ toasty Suppe 219.0 portion (57 g) 917 16 20 7 Detail
Figu activ Vanille 62.5 portion (28 g) 262 6 5 2 Detail
Figuactiv cocktail with vanilla flavor 105.0 portion (28 g) 440 11 7 3 3 Detail
Figuactiv fiber LINE 17.6 portion (7 g) 74 0,29 2 0,02 4 Detail
Figuactiv Protein Drink 45.8 portion (12 g) 192 10 0,54 0,41 Detail
Figuactiv soup flavored with wild mushrooms 218.3 portion (57 g) 914 19 18 7 3 Detail
FiguAktiv herbal slimming tea 0.0 500 ml 0 0 0 0 0 Detail
Figuaktiv tea 0.0 500 ml 0 Detail
LR fiber LINE 8.1 portion (7 g) 34 0,29 0,02 3 Detail
Master Mind 42.9 portion (80 ml) 180 10 0 Detail
Sivera Aloe Vera Gel 25.7 100 ml 108 0,5 6 0,5 Detail
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