Mladý kokos

Značka nemá žádný popis

Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Kokotella macadamia with chia seeds 332.9 100 g 1 394 3 14 29 4 Detail
Organic coconut milk Young coconut 174.1 100 ml 729 2 3 17 0 Detail
Raspberry coconut chips 149.0 pack (25 g) 624 1 8 12 Detail
Smoked coconut chips 156.9 pack (25 g) 657 2 4 14 Detail
Wild & Coco 67.1 100 g 281 2 3 5 Detail
Young coconut caramel Kokotella 6.2 1 g 26 0,09 0,31 0,56 Detail
Young coconut fairytale kokotella 58.5 portion (10 g) 245 1 3 5 0,58 Detail
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