Power System

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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Creatine Pure Power System 0.7 portion (5 g) 3 0 0 0 0 Detail
eiweiss 90 Power System 374.0 100 g 1 566 80 5 4 Detail
eiweiss 90 Schoko nougat-Power System 3.8 1 g 16 0,8 0,05 0,03 Detail
High Protein Bar bananen Geschmack 137.3 portion (35 g) 575 11 15 4 Detail
High Protein Vanille 251.7 pack (310 ml) 1 054 30 31 0,62 Detail
Lower Carb Bar Crunchy women 153.3 pack (40 g) 642 11 16 8 Detail
LoWerCarb Protein Karamell Erdnuss Gesmack 187.2 45 g 784 15 16 9 Detail
Power system cookies & cream Geschmack 404.1 100 g 1 692 35 41 11 Detail
Power System Crunchy Bar 188.2 piece (45 g) 788 14 17 8 Detail
Power System High Protein Bar 134.7 piece (33 g) 564 11 14 4 0,23 Detail
Power System Professional Protein Bar Schoko Nougat 292.8 pack (70 g) 1 226 28 27 10 Detail
Power System Protein Low Carb 372.1 100 g 1 558 80 6 3 1 Detail
Power system strawberry vanilla flavor 130.8 30 g 548 4 17 5 Detail
Power System vannila 15 g 18.8 portion (15 g) 79 3 1 0,42 0,15 Detail
Professional Eiweiss 90 Vanille Sahne 111.5 portion (30 g) 467 24 2 0,81 0 Detail
Professional Eiweiss Riegel himbeere 4.0 1 g 17 0,36 0,4 0,11 Detail
Professional Eiweiss Riegel Joghurt 176.9 pack (45 g) 741 16 18 5 Detail
Professional Protein Bar 35% Protein 176.0 45 g 737 16 18 5 Detail
Professional Protein Bar 40% Protein 289.0 pack (70 g) 1 210 28 26 10 Detail
Protein Banana Flavor Power System 389.0 100 g 1 629 32 43 10 Detail
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