Self omninutrition

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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
A BCA Sparkling Ice tea peach 0.0 1 ml 0,25 0,01 0 0 Detail
Active Micro Whey protein chocolate formula 113.9 30 g 477 25 1 0,9 Detail
Casein Self omninutrition 110.1 30 g 461 26 0,3 Detail
Egg & Oat Self omninutrition 190.1 50 g 796 20 18 3 0 Detail
Protein Mousse Self omninutrition 68.0 20 g 285 11 3 1 2 Detail
self Isolate Soy Protein 112.7 portion (30 g) 472 27 0,21 0,3 Detail
Self Omninutrition Sport Protein 132.0 portion (30 g) 553 22 4 3 Detail
Self Omninutrition Whey Shake Chocolate Peanut Butter 4.0 1 g 17 0,75 0,13 0,04 0,01 Detail
Whey shake Self Omni 119.9 30 g 502 22 4 1 0,4 Detail
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