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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Delicate cream Veganline 176.7 100 g 740 0,2 0,3 19 Detail
hummus Veganline 1.9 1 g 8 0,09 0,27 0,06 Detail
mozzarella Veganlinie 284.2 100 g 1 190 0 20 23 Detail
soy sausages fine Veganline 96.9 piece (50 g) 406 9 2 6 0,4 Detail
Vegan cheese olives Veganline 299.9 100 g 1 256 2 16 26 Detail
Veganline Garlic Butter 2.8 1 g 12 0 0,01 0,33 Detail
Veganline mozzarella plant 143.3 portion (50 g) 600 10 12 Detail
Veganline sliced ​​salami-style ham 28.1 piece (17 g) 118 3 0,77 2 0,34 Detail
veganline smoked cheese 2.8 1 g 12 0,2 0,23 Detail
veganline vegetable smoked cheese 160.0 portion (50 g) 670 0,75 8 14 Detail
Veganline with herbs 284.2 100 g 1 190 0 0 23 Detail
Vegetable Cheese Original Veganline 284.9 100 g 1 193 0 20 23 Detail
Veggie Fishsteak Vanastic foods 167.9 100 g 703 16 12 6 Detail
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