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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Native protein 100% 109.1 portion (30 g) 457 22 4 0,63 0,6 Detail
Native protein chocolate, vanilla, almond 100% 3.5 1 g 15 0,71 0,14 0,01 0,02 Detail
Protein FOOD WE chocolate 4.0 1 g 17 0,85 0,14 0,02 0,02 Detail
WeFood 100% native protein 130.1 portion (30 g) 545 21 4 0,54 0,84 Detail
WeFood Native protein pudding flavored with chocolate 97.2 portion (30 g) 407 16 11 0,36 0,57 Detail
WeFood Native protein pudding with vanilla flavor 95.2 portion (30 g) 399 16 11 0,27 2 Detail
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