Vitamin B

Top foods that are high in vitamin B include: nuts, grains, legumes, broccoli, potatoes, asparagus, avocado, bananas, blueberries, milk, eggs, meat and organ meat (especially heart and liver) What do we need vitamin B for? it has a positive effect on metabolic processes, brain activity and skin health

Vitamin B is contains in

Name Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Bifida yoghurt Albert Quality cup (150 g) 424 6 7 6 Detail
sheep cheese true home 50 g 748 12 0 15 Detail
Bohemian semi-skimmed curd Madeta pack (250 g) 993 26 9 11 Detail
3.5% semi-skimmed quark Boni pack (250 g) 942 25 10 10 0 Detail
Pilos traditional soft curd 2.5% fat pack (250 g) 1 057 39 10 6 Detail
Tesco Value curd 0.5% pack (250 g) 690 30 9 0,75 Detail
Soft curd nonfat cappuccino pack (250 g) 668 31 8 0,12 Detail
curd fine lumpy Raja pack (250 g) 1 057 42 10 6 Detail
Rajo skim cheese clumped piece (180 g) 535 25 5 0,36 Detail
1.1% nonfat curd Milblu 250 g 692 30 10 0,5 Detail
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