
Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
pop cool chips sour cream & onion 121.8 portion (30 g) 510 3 23 2 0,18 Detail
pea protein Namaximum 121.0 portion (30 g) 507 24 2 2 2 Detail
The protein Chips 118.9 pack (30 g) 498 14 5 4 Detail
dia milk chocolate Coop Jednota 50.3 portion (10 g) 211 0,8 5 4 0,31 Detail
Toast bread PANO Poland 2.3 1 g 10 0,12 0,34 0,03 0,06 Detail
protein cake with cherries 204.9 150 g 858 20 17 6 Detail
Oreo cookies oatmeal 39.4 piece (8 g) 165 1 5 1 0,98 Detail
Appetite garlic cloves with Spanish spices 217.1 100 g 909 6 19 6 Detail
unrefined cane sugar Demerara 404.8 100 g 1 695 0,2 99 0 Detail
BIO Bio DM Deutscher Vielblütenhonig 3.1 1 g 13 0 0,75 0 Detail
Risso chive dressing 389.3 100 g 1 630 0,7 4 41 Detail
Freezeer Cherry Menthol chewing gum 89.5 pack (67 g) 375 0 Detail
Fatran protein crackers 501.0 100 g 2 098 28 17 33 13 Detail
BEZLEPEK Schär Butterkeks 36.7 piece (8 g) 154 0,22 6 1 0,06 Detail
SPEEDIET spaghetti bolognese 167.1 portion (44 g) 700 12 19 3 5 Detail
Dr.Slim dessert with pieces of dark chocolate 354.4 100 g 1 484 71 7 4 5 Detail
Tesco delicacy 274.4 100 g 1 149 9 3 25 0,1 Detail
Frozen berries ICA 38.2 100 g 160 0,8 6 0,3 4 Detail
Nutrilett Rich Brownie bar 104.8 portion (29 g) 439 7 11 3 3 Detail
Bread gluten-free dark Novalia 215.9 100 g 904 2 47 2 3 Detail
Hartherwood Hand cooked chips - roast chicken Flav 5.0 1 g 21 0,07 0,51 0,3 Detail
namex corn unsalted crackers 308.1 pack (80 g) 1 290 7 67 1 2 Detail
pure fruits pineapple coconut banan 80.9 100 ml 339 1 13 2 Detail
NUPO bar meal replacement 133.2 portion (40 g) 558 9 16 4 5 Detail
pure fruits kiwi lime pickle 155.0 portion (250 ml) 649 1 33 0,5 Detail
Lean protein bar Cookie Dough 211.8 piece (60 g) 887 20 8 8 15 Detail
Coconut sticks NutriFood 3.5 1 g 15 0,34 0,09 0,15 0,28 Detail
LowCarb tortillas CarbZone 182.0 65 g 762 12 6 8 17 Detail
Protein Gusto pancake 389.0 100 g 1 629 50 34 5 Detail
Wild garlic paste 50 g extra virgin olive oil, 50 g wild garlic, sea salt 3.5 g 87.8 20 g 368 0,09 0,29 9 0,2 Detail
Chili sin carne mit Tofu 121.8 100 g 510 7 10 5 Detail
Green olives Tesco UK 139.9 100 g 586 0,7 4 13 3 Detail
Quest Pumpkin Pie Bar 219.7 60 g 920 21 11 12 12 Detail
Raja active protein 180 g 1.4 1 g 6 0,16 0,12 0,03 Detail
chia, berry smoothie 222.8 365 g 933 4 43 5 Detail
Avocado and chocolate cake chia 201.1 100 g 842 8 24 8 Detail
Galaretka, Smak brzoskwiniowy 64.0 portion (125 g) 268 2 14 Detail
Protein Riegel LowCarb Cranberry Cassis Layenberger 347.0 100 g 1 453 46 25 7 7 Detail
Roulade with spinach 0.4 1 g 2 0,03 0,04 0,03 Detail
Oat spelled tortilla 3.1 1 g 13 0,05 0,51 0,08 Detail
Syntha 6 Edge Chocolate hazelnut protein bar 154.5 piece (66 g) 647 13 14 6 0,66 Detail
chestnut flour paleolit 367.1 100 g 1 537 6 74 4 Detail
Omega3 smoked salmon 212.8 100 g 891 19 0,5 15 Detail
primosale Osella linea 2.1 1 g 9 0,12 0,03 0,16 Detail
Spaghetti Slim Kajnok 21.4 pack (270 g) 90 0 0 0,54 7 Detail
Grissini breadsticks sesame rolls 406.7 pack (90 g) 1 703 11 63 11 4 Detail
Savoiardi Antico Borgo Biscuit sticks 3.8 1 g 16 0,09 0,76 0,04 Detail
NF egg omelet with cheese 207.0 100 g 867 18 17 8 4 Detail
Protein bars baked kulturistika.com 36.0 10 g 151 2 3 2 Detail
Herbalife Formula 1 cafe latte 362.8 100 g 1 519 36 52 4 Detail