Ginger Scallion Chinese Steamed Whole Fish Recipe

An incredible and mouth-appealing Chinese food with ginger and scallion wonderfully combined brilliantly with a whole fish, resulting in sweet and delicious low-carb (keto) meal.

Cooking Details

Nutritional Value


Method of Preparation

Step One

The first thing to do is prepare the whole fish. Start by getting rid of the scales. You don’t want to pick scales while eating lunch, trust me! You are going to hate it. Check the areas around the belly and head for scales and remove with a knife.

Step Two

Get rid of the fins too with an important kitchen tool known as shears. You might not be able to cut it with a knife because they are very tough. Also, be careful and remove gently without damaging the fish.

Step Three

Take a gander at the cavity, and you should see the spine. You may likewise observe a layer that you should pierce and cut, uncovering a blood line close to the bone. Run your finger or a spoon crosswise over it to clean it completely.

Step Four

Check for gills and cut gently with the kitchen shears.

Step Five

Clean and rinse properly. Shake properly to get rid of excess water in the fish. Then, it is steaming time!

Step Six

Put the fish on a hot plate for steaming. Steam without adding any seasoning- no salt or wine for about 9-10 minutes and then remove from the heat. Use a table knife to check through if the fish has been thoroughly cooked. How do you know this? Your fish is properly steamed when it is opaque all through and also, the bone should be a little translucent and not properly cooked.

Step Seven

The liquid acquired from steaming the fish, pour off and put part of the ginger, green part of the scallion and cilantro on the fish.

Step Eight

Pick a saucepan and heat about 2 teaspoons of canola oil and the remaining part of the ginger until it starts to sizzle. Add water, salt, sugar, white pepper and soy sauce and then heat until it boils.

Step Nine

While boiling, pour the rest of oil and the white scallions and stir properly until the liquid starts to boil.

Step Ten

Spread the whole mixture/sauce evenly and decoratively over the fish and serve hot.