5 Jaw-Dropping Stats About Online Food Ordering

A massive increase in the meal delivery sector has occurred during the last couple of years. It shouldn’t be a surprise that buying food online is easy, saves time, and keeps you from having to talk to strangers. We’ll take a closer look at some of the most recent meal delivery app data.Kopírovat HTML Kopírovat text

#1 More than 60% of people now order takeout or delivery at least once a week

Yes, that’s correct. Americans like ordering meals, whether it’s takeaway or delivery from a restaurant. However, they seem to like it more than ever.

In the last five years, meal delivery app users have almost doubled. While there were only 66 million users in 2015, that figure has steadily increased.

It wasn’t until COVID-19 came along that the meal delivery business grew significantly. 16 million additional customers in a year means that by 2020, 111 million individuals in the United States will be using meal delivery services.

More than three-quarters of customers indicate they’re willing to pay at least $50 for each purchase (which is more than what they would typically spend if they were eating out).

#2 The younger the individual, the more likely they are to use a meal delivery service

When it comes to buying a restaurant meal online, 55% of 18–24-year-olds did so in 2018. 49 percent of internet users in their late twenties and early thirties agree.

There is a progressive decline in utilization as one gets older. When it comes to internet meal ordering, just 17% of those over the age of 65 do so.

When it comes to watching movies and TV series at home, 57% of millennials prefer to have their meals delivered.

#3 People are less likely to buy meals online if they have more money

When meal delivery app users are broken down by annual income, it’s clear that 51.6% of those earning less than $10,000 are increasing their online food orders.

However, data from meal delivery apps shows that as wealth rises, so does use. As the average annual income rises, the proportion of people who use meal delivery apps falls to 25.3%.

The proportion of customers who make more than $200,000 (39.6 percent) climbs after that, but it still falls short of the 51.6 percent we noted before.

#4 It was in 1995 that the first meal delivery system was launched

Waiter.com by WorldWideWaiter was the website in question. When it first launched, the site allowed users to order meals from 60 different eateries.

It was just a few years before the launch of waiter.com that an online meal order was made.

PizzaHut made PizzaNet, and the first person to order online got a big pepperoni, mushroom, and extra cheese pizza.

#5 Uber Eats is the most popular meal delivery service outside the United States

Choosing the best online ordering system for restaurants is difficult since it is mostly a matter of taste and location. We can, however, declare that Uber Eats is by far the most popular service in the world.

It has 66 million users, is available in 6,000 locations across 45 countries, and supports over 600,000 restaurants, giving it a 29 percent market share.

Uber Eats isn’t profitable, despite raking up $5 billion in sales each year. Not at all. There is a silver lining, though. Uber Eats’ losses have been steadily diminishing over the years, which might lead to an eventual profit.