fa so good

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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
fa so good chocolate 4.2 1 g 18 0,31 0,4 0,17 0,01 Detail
FA So good strawberry flavor SYRUP 29.8 pack (425 ml) 125 0 0 0 6 Detail
FA SO GOOD! FOR NUTS 568.9 100 g 2 382 37 13 39 8 Detail
Flapjack raisins and rum 514.7 pack (110 g) 2 155 6 64 25 6 Detail
Peanut butter So good! 589.9 100 g 2 470 27 12 46 8 Detail
protein bar with good and Peanut Butter Caramel 341.5 portion (80 g) 1 430 24 32 14 1 Detail
Protein Pancakes apple 293.0 75 g 1 227 15 40 7 6 Detail
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