
Značka nemá žádný popis

Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
breaded cake with topping, gluten-free 420.8 pack (120 g) 1 762 3 76 11 Detail
Buns PKU Kaiserky 128.9 piece (45 g) 540 0,27 27 2 11 Detail
corn snack with bacon flavor and tomato Glutenex 444.0 100 g 1 859 0,5 75 16 Detail
Cube gingerbread white icing Glutenex 241.2 1 piece (60 g) 1 010 0,37 41 8 Detail
dark multigrain bread loaf gluten free 151.4 slice (50 g) 634 0,95 29 Detail
French toasts 209.9 piece (60 g) 879 0,49 15 8 9 Detail
Frezza Mocca 130.8 pack (200 ml) 548 6 20 3 Detail
Gluten free multigrain loaf of dark Glutenex 134.4 50 g 563 2 24 3 2 Detail
gluten-free bread bochenkowy Glutenex 123.9 slice (50 g) 519 0,25 27 2 Detail
gluten-free breadcrumbs NBK Glutenex Bulka Tarta 340.1 100 g 1 424 1 73 3 Detail
Gluten-free dumplings Glutenex 647.2 pack (250 g) 2 710 2 138 8 6 Detail
gluten-free hamburger buns Glutenex 370.9 165 g 1 553 2 73 6 6 Detail
gluten-free pastry stuffed with cabbage 484.1 250 g 2 027 4 12 Detail
Gluten-free rice cereal 113.6 30 g 476 2 25 0,3 Detail
Herbatniky cookies NBK Glutenex 481.9 100 g 2 018 0,7 77 24 Detail
instant oatmeal gluten Glutenex 1272.3 pack (350 g) 5 327 36 212 24 29 Detail
Mix PKU Glutenex 1712.5 pack (500 g) 7 170 2 417 0,5 100 Detail
NBK beans in white glaze Glutenex 471.9 100 g 1 976 0,7 82 16 Detail
NBK gluten-free ice cream cones (6-8 pieces) Glutenex 214.9 1 pack (50 g) 900 0,45 42 5 Detail
Pasta Spirals PKU Glutenex 3.5 1 g 15 0,01 0,53 0,01 Detail
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