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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Gouda 48% Fett NORDGut 56.1 portion (20 g) 235 2 2 5 Detail
cheese, fine fused Mushroom 54.4 portion (20 g) 228 2 2 4 Detail
NordGut Krauter Rahmstufe 551.7 pack (200 g) 2 310 16 20 46 Detail
Processed cheese nordgut leicht 171.0 100 g 716 12 11 8 Detail
Sahne rahmsufe 83.3 portion (30 g) 349 2 3 7 Detail
tomate rahmstufe 274.6 100 g 1 150 8 10 22 Detail
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