Sweet Valley

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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Apfelmus applesauce 74.0 portion (100 g) 310 0,3 16 0,4 2 Detail
Apfelmus Sweet Valley 73.5 100 g 308 0,3 16 0,4 2 Detail
dates, dried and pitted 85.5 portion (30 g) 358 0,6 19 0 2 Detail
Dried figs Sweet Valley 75.9 portion (30 g) 318 0,57 15 0,9 3 Detail
Dried plums Sweet Valley 2.1 1 g 9 0,03 0,53 0 0,07 Detail
Frozen strawberries Hofer 35.3 100 g 148 0,7 6 0,3 2 Detail
FruchtSnack-Apfel-Birne 81.9 100 g 343 0 17 0,6 0 Detail
Heidelbeeren tiefgefroren 48.9 100 g 205 1 6 0,9 Detail
Himbeeren tiefgefroren 25.0 portion (50 g) 105 0,6 4 0,15 Detail
Kalifornische Mandel Sweet Valley 620.0 100 g 2 596 21 5 55 Detail
meuňky dried, pitted Sweet Valley 61.6 portion (30 g) 258 0,6 14 0 2 Detail
Pineapple compote Hofer 0.4 1 g 2 0 0,12 0 Detail
Raisins stoned Allnature 2.8 1 g 12 0,03 0,75 0 Detail
scheiben tin pineapple Sweet Valley 29.8 piece (44 g) 125 0,09 7 0,04 0,44 Detail
Soft Aprikosen entsteint 70.4 portion (30 g) 295 0,6 14 0,12 Detail
Sweet Cranberry Valley 169.8 100 g 711 40 0,2 2 Detail
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