
Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Skinny potato salad 224.9 pack (225 g) 942 4 30 6 7 Detail
salad with shrimps and lens 121.0 pack (233 g) 507 10 14 1 Detail
British roast chicken, apple, walnut slaw salad Marks & Spencer 303.8 pack (200 g) 1 272 15 8 23 5 Detail
Freekeh cauliflower couscous 237.8 pack (195 g) 996 8 24 10 12 Detail
cabbage salad with chickpeas and mozzarella 300.4 250 g 1 258 16 41 8 Detail
Salad Sandwich CAB 1.9 1 g 8 0,01 0,11 0,14 Detail
Mexican salad Albert 405.5 150 g 1 698 7 16 36 Detail
vitamin salad Tides 2.3 1 g 10 0,04 0,05 0,22 Detail
Salat & Pasta Hähnchen-Grana Padano 518.0 350 g 2 169 24 27 34 Detail
Salatcup Griechischer Art mit Joghurt dressing 110.1 100 g 461 3 5 8 Detail
Penny delicious salads 378.0 pack (140 g) 1 583 6 9 36 Detail
Asda Salad Mix 0.2 1 g 1 0,02 0,04 0 Detail
mixture of green olives and darkened by oxidation, and the cubes of feta grilled onions and peppers 183.4 pack (150 g) 768 4 3 16 4 Detail
Bulgursalat mit Frischen Kräutern 506.8 pack (250 g) 2 122 12 70 18 Detail
salad of beets and tahini 146.4 100 g 613 4 7 12 2 Detail
Light pasta salad Bill 52.0 100 g 218 1 2 5 Detail
vegetable couscous with arugula and feta VitaSnack 231.9 180 g 971 9 32 6 0 Detail
flamendr salad 153.8 pack (100 g) 644 9 18 15 3 Detail
salad of beets Mark & ​​Spencer 70.9 100 g 297 2 12 1 2 Detail
paneled eggs with ham Dorant 109.8 100 g 460 3 9 6 Detail
prilled salad without cheese 144.5 100 g 605 8 15 5 Detail
chickpea salad with mushrooms 167.4 250 g 701 11 16 6 Detail
salatcup käse gemüse 65.9 100 g 276 4 2 4 0 Detail
AH caesar salade 100.0 100 g 419 8 8 4 1 Detail
Machland Cocktail Salad 355.1 pack (520 g) 1 487 12 56 4 Detail
Fesh pasta 354.2 pack (180 g) 1 483 12 72 2 Detail
Insalata di olive in marinatura piccanta 290.4 pack (130 g) 1 216 2 0,65 30 Detail
Giraffy Sexy Salmon 98.6 100 g 413 6 2 8 Detail
Supergreen Salad Hitzberger 386.9 416 g 1 620 16 28 26 Detail
Tuna Salad Mexicana 180.0 100 g 754 11 4 13 3 Detail
coleslaw welds 149.9 100 g 628 4 5 14 2 Detail
Linsen Salat mit Koriander 251.2 pack (200 g) 1 052 12 32 6 Detail
Parisian salad Trattoria Verdi 1.6 1 g 7 0,14 Detail
Greek salad MICS 98.1 100 g 411 3 2 8 1 Detail
egg salad cheese cream 48% TVS Kwasniewski 226.9 100 g 950 10 15 Detail
Norbi update egg salad 209.2 pack (140 g) 876 8 13 14 0,56 Detail
carrot salad with lemon and stevia 34.3 100 g 144 0,6 7 0,1 2 Detail
Smaug 281.8 150 g 1 180 6 13 23 0 Detail
Karttoffelsalat Efko 73.5 100 g 308 1 11 2 Detail
Caribbean banana salad 205.6 portion (210 g) 861 5 42 5 5 Detail
Berry Salad Gourmet himbeere Tom 189.8 pack (250 g) 795 11 8 12 Detail
Greek salad Dejsivíc 135.9 200 g 569 8 6 9 Detail
Brotaufstrich egg salad 127.3 portion (30 g) 533 2 2 13 0,03 Detail
Ochsenmaul salat 1.1 1 g 5 0,13 0,02 0,07 Detail
lentil salad uncooked 200.8 portion (200 g) 841 12 28 4 Detail
Fish Salad Horeca 223.3 100 g 935 3 15 17 Detail
armark salat 196.0 100 g 821 14 7 13 Detail
Salad with roasted ham and feta cheese 427.5 100 g 1 790 24 36 21 Detail
Veg chips Titbit 70.4 100 g 295 2 14 0,5 3 Detail
Egg salad with peppers and corn Box and diet 234.7 100 g 983 20 15 10 1 Detail