How many calories in jasmine rice cooked Vitana

Brand: Vitana

jasmine rice cooked Vitana contains

Nutritional values: jasmine rice cooked Vitana


jasmine rice cooked Vitana (1 g) contain(s) 0 grams of sugar, 30 milligram(s) of protein, 0 grams of fat, 10 milligram(s) of fiber and 250 milligram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 1.1kcal in (1 g) which can be burnt by a 8.1 second(s) of Jogging, 9.4 second(s) of Cycling, 10.4 second(s) of Swimming, 11.6 second(s) of Walking, 13.8 second(s) of Shopping, 14.2 second(s) of Yoga or 22.8 second(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

jasmine rice cooked Vitana (100 g) contain(s) 0 grams of sugar, 3 gram(s) of protein, 200 milligram(s) of fat, 700 milligram(s) of fiber and 25 gram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 112.9kcal in (100 g) which can be burnt by a 14 minute(s) of Jogging, 16 minute(s) of Cycling, 18 minute(s) of Swimming, 20 minute(s) of Walking, 24 minute(s) of Shopping, 24 minute(s) of Yoga or 39 minute(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

jasmine rice cooked Vitana (bag (120 g)) contain(s) 0 grams of sugar, 3 gram(s) of protein, 240 milligram(s) of fat, 840 milligram(s) of fiber and 30 gram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 135.6kcal in (bag (120 g)) which can be burnt by a 17 minute(s) of Jogging, 19 minute(s) of Cycling, 21 minute(s) of Swimming, 24 minute(s) of Walking, 28 minute(s) of Shopping, 29 minute(s) of Yoga or 47 minute(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

jasmine rice cooked Vitana (150 g) contain(s) 0 grams of sugar, 4 gram(s) of protein, 300 milligram(s) of fat, 1 gram(s) of fiber and 38 gram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 169.5kcal in (150 g) which can be burnt by a 21 minute(s) of Jogging, 24 minute(s) of Cycling, 27 minute(s) of Swimming, 30 minute(s) of Walking, 35 minute(s) of Shopping, 36 minute(s) of Yoga or 58 minute(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

jasmine rice cooked Vitana (200 g) contain(s) 0 grams of sugar, 5 gram(s) of protein, 400 milligram(s) of fat, 1 gram(s) of fiber and 50 gram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 225.9kcal in (200 g) which can be burnt by a 28 minute(s) of Jogging, 32 minute(s) of Cycling, 36 minute(s) of Swimming, 40 minute(s) of Walking, 47 minute(s) of Shopping, 49 minute(s) of Yoga or 78 minute(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

jasmine rice cooked Vitana (480 g) contain(s) 0 grams of sugar, 13 gram(s) of protein, 960 milligram(s) of fat, 3 gram(s) of fiber and 120 gram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 542.1kcal in (480 g) which can be burnt by a 66 minute(s) of Jogging, 77 minute(s) of Cycling, 86 minute(s) of Swimming, 96 minute(s) of Walking, 113 minute(s) of Shopping, 117 minute(s) of Yoga or 187 minute(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

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