How many calories in Bobik maxi chocolate Kapucín

Brand: Kapucín

Bobik maxi chocolate Kapucín contains

Nutritional values: Bobik maxi chocolate Kapucín


Bobik maxi chocolate Kapucín (1 g) contain(s) 140 milligram(s) of sugar, 60 milligram(s) of protein, 170 milligram(s) of fat, 0 grams of fiber and 160 milligram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 2.3kcal in (1 g) which can be burnt by a 16.9 second(s) of Jogging, 19.7 second(s) of Cycling, 21.8 second(s) of Swimming, 24.4 second(s) of Walking, 28.8 second(s) of Shopping, 29.7 second(s) of Yoga or 47.6 second(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

Bobik maxi chocolate Kapucín (pack (140 g)) contain(s) 19 gram(s) of sugar, 8 gram(s) of protein, 23 gram(s) of fat, 0 grams of fiber and 22 gram(s) of carbohydrate. There are 324.3kcal in (pack (140 g)) which can be burnt by a 40 minute(s) of Jogging, 46 minute(s) of Cycling, 51 minute(s) of Swimming, 57 minute(s) of Walking, 68 minute(s) of Shopping, 70 minute(s) of Yoga or 112 minute(s) of Cleaning

Calorie chart

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