
Značka nemá žádný popis

Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
bio yogurt milky 0.7 1 g 3 0,03 0,04 0,04 Detail
Cottage Cheese milky 0.9 1 g 4 0,11 0,02 0,05 Detail
Darek Serek 130.8 100 g 548 6 16 5 Detail
Delikate Serek Wiejski cottage 193.9 pack (200 g) 812 22 4 10 0 Detail
Edam 45% milky 60.1 slice (18 g) 252 4 0 5 Detail
Ementaler 45% fat milky 69.5 piece (21 g) 291 5 5 Detail
Ementaler without milky lactose 45% 333.9 100 g 1 398 25 0 26 Detail
Favita cheese salad 511.3 pack (270 g) 2 141 35 20 32 Detail
Favita salad cheese sandwich 52.5 portion (30 g) 220 4 0,9 4 0 Detail
Golka Zakopiańska 2.6 1 g 11 0,25 0 0,19 0 Detail
Gouda 26% fat milky 164.8 50 g 690 12 0 13 Detail
Gouda 45% fat milky 165.7 50 g 694 12 0 13 Detail
Gouda 48% cheese slices milky 2 23.4 piece (7 g) 98 2 0 2 Detail
Gouda, lactose-free milky 331.2 100 g 1 387 25 0 26 Detail
Greek yogurt light milky 145.9 pack (200 g) 611 7 9 9 Detail
Cheddar milky 375.4 100 g 1 572 25 0 31 Detail
kefir milky 127.5 250ml 534 8 12 5 Detail
milk 3.2% fat milky 59.4 100 ml 249 3 5 3 Detail
Milky Edam cheese slices 45% 331.2 100 g 1 387 25 0 26 Detail
milky cheese sliced ​​Prymus 500.6 pack (150 g) 2 096 38 0 39 0 Detail
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