Harry brot

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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Bread 1688 Roggen mild Harry Brot 2.1 1 g 9 0,06 0,39 0 0,06 Detail
das full Korn 113.9 piece (56 g) 477 3 22 0,62 5 Detail
Glutenfreies Brot Hell 43.4 piece (20 g) 182 1 8 0,5 Detail
Chia & Vital Weizenbrot 139.4 portion (56 g) 584 5 22 3 Detail
Chia Balance Sandwich 252.9 100 g 1 059 9 40 5 5 Detail
Mini Butter Hörnchen 92.1 25 g 386 2 14 3 0,47 Detail
sunflower bread with linseed Vital Fit 128.2 piece (56 g) 537 4 20 3 Detail
sunflower wholemeal toast with linseed Harry Brot 97.9 piece (38 g) 410 3 15 2 Detail
Vital Brot Harry-Brot 2.6 1 g 11 0,09 0,42 0,06 0,05 Detail
Vollkornbrot Harry Brot 2.1 1 g 9 0,07 0,39 0,02 0,08 Detail
Whole wheat toast Harry (Vollkorn toast) 1244.1 pack (500 g) 5 209 40 205 20 30 Detail
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