Lieken Urkorn

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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Bread Anno Dazumal Roggenmischbrot 155.0 piece (71 g) 649 5 30 0,71 Detail
Bread Fit Lieken Urkorn 122.2 50 g 512 3 20 2 Detail
Carrot Bread fit 146.6 57 g 614 5 23 0,28 3 Detail
fit & vital Weizen Lieken Urkorn 141.3 piece (55 g) 592 5 22 3 4 Detail
Fit and Vital Dinkel Vollkorn Lieken Urkorn 125.6 50 g 526 4 19 3 3 Detail
Kasseler Weizenmischbrot 130.4 portion (56 g) 546 4 24 1 Detail
Kleines Kern 2.1 1 g 9 0,06 0,34 0,05 0,07 Detail
klosterbrot 140.9 slice (71 g) 590 6 25 0,85 6 Detail
Lieken Urkorn Bäuerliches, kernig Saftig farmer's bread 75.4 piece (40 g) 316 2 14 0,4 3 Detail
Lieken Urkorn Fit and Vital 242.9 100 g 1 017 8 40 4 6 Detail
Lieken Urkorn Müslibrot 88.1 portion (40 g) 369 3 15 1 3 Detail
Rheinischs Lieken Urkorn 93.3 50 g 391 3 18 0,5 4 Detail
Roggenbäcker herzhaft & Saftig 128.9 piece (59 g) 540 4 27 0,59 3 Detail
Roggenbäcker rye bread 126.3 piece (55 g) 529 4 25 0,55 3 Detail
Vollkorn Kern nussig & knackig 141.1 62 g 591 5 20 4 Detail
wholemeal bread Mehrkornbrot Lieken Urkorn 134.2 piece (55 g) 562 4 22 2 3 Detail
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