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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Bio multigrain bread Pema 102.9 slice (50 g) 431 2 18 1 4 Detail
Bio rye bread with sunflower seeds 118.4 piece (56 g) 496 3 20 2 5 Detail
dark rye bread Pema dark rye bread 100.0 pack (50 g) 419 2 19 0,5 4 Detail
Eiweissbrot Pema 228.0 100 g 955 18 12 10 Detail
Hafer Fitness Brot Pema 103.6 pack (50 g) 434 4 16 2 4 Detail
Chia Brot Pema 169.1 100 g 708 4 26 3 9 Detail
Organic whole grain bread with sunflower seeds 5% Pema 114.8 55 g 481 3 19 2 5 Detail
Organic whole grain rye bread sliced ​​Pema 197.7 100 g 828 4 37 1 9 Detail
PEMA Roggenvollkornbrot 1.6 1 g 7 0,05 0,32 0,01 0,09 Detail
Pumpernickel Delikatessbrot 198.9 100 g 833 5 36 1 11 Detail
Rice bread without gluten 790.8 pack (375 g) 3 311 23 131 14 16 Detail
Vollkorn Plus Pema 184.8 100 g 774 6 31 2 10 Detail
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