
Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Flora light 39.6 15 g 166 0,07 0,07 4 0,07 Detail
Perla Tip 26.5 15 g 111 0 0 3 Detail
Flora Light with omega 3 and 6 26.9 portion (10 g) 113 0,05 0,05 3 Detail
Perla tip margarine 17.6 10 g 74 2 Detail
Lando Light margarine 25% 44.1 20 g 185 0 0 5 0 Detail
margarine Promienna classic family pack 17.6 10 g 74 0 0 2 0 Detail
vegetable spread 20% fat Lando Family 17.6 portion (10 g) 74 0 0 2 0 Detail
vegetable spread 25% fat with added vitamins Penny 21.9 piece (10 g) 92 0 0 2 Detail
Freshona Coconut Milk Light 135.1 100 ml 566 2 2 13 Detail
fat Veto Fit 17.6 10 g 74 0 0 2 Detail
Coconut milk Freshona 215.9 100 g 904 2 3 21 Detail
Shoyu soy sauce Country Life 0.1 spoonful (0,2 g) 0,6 0,02 0,02 0 Detail
Rama Creme Bonjour spreads creams diameter 55.4 20 g 232 1 0,8 5 Detail
Butter Spread cream Tesco 25.3 portion (10 g) 106 0,32 0,47 2 Detail
Penny 25% butter fat 11.2 portion (5 g) 47 0 0 1 Detail
Balanced brunch 16 36.3 20 g 152 1 2 3 Detail
Spray cream Classic 109.3 portion (50 g) 458 1 5 7 0,25 Detail
Rama Cremefine cooking 158.3 100 g 663 2 4 15 Detail
Spray whipped light Albert Quality 16.2 portion (10 g) 68 0,27 1 1 0 Detail
The preparation of the vegetable fat cream, whipped cream 277.3 100 ml 1 161 0,8 5 28 0,8 Detail
Fish Oil Omega 3 Kapseln Fischöl Sanct Bernhard 4.5 1 capsule 19 0,5 Detail
Linco light margarine and yoghurt 25% 220.9 100 g 925 25 Detail
Just like butter 2.6 1 g 11 0 0 0,3 Detail
Becel 10 g 3.5 portion (10 g) 15 0,05 0,05 0,4 Detail
Bianka fit fat spreadable edible vegetable 44.1 20 g 185 0 0 5 0 Detail
Veto family family 1.9 1 g 8 0 0 0,2 Detail
Light Spread Tesco value 1767.4 pack (1 000 g) 7 400 0 0 200 Detail
low fat spread fat COOP 10.9 piece (5 g) 46 0 0 1 Detail
veto line 9.0 portion (5 g) 38 0 0 1 Detail
green olives pitted HUTESA 15.0 piece (10 g) 63 0,1 0 2 Detail
vegetable spread 20% fat Tesco Value 35.3 portion (20 g) 148 0 0 4 0 Detail
Latta extra fit mit Buttermilch 26.2 10 g 110 0,1 0,4 3 0,05 Detail
coconut cream Exotic Food 267.0 100 ml 1 118 3 11 24 Detail
Sarina family 22.2 10 g 93 0 0 2 Detail
Latta 26.2 portion (10 g) 110 0,1 0,4 3 0,05 Detail
Home light mayonnaise sauce 290.4 100 g 1 216 0,8 6 30 1 Detail
Hellmanns Fat Free Vinaigrette Dressing 49.9 100 ml 209 0 11 0 Detail
Butter Salted Butter Sea Salt eith 28.6 10 g 120 0,03 0,02 3 0 Detail
brotaufstrich margarine Weight Watchers 16.9 piece (10 g) 71 0 0 2 0 Detail
Tesco spreadable fat 20% 899.9 pack (500 g) 3 768 0 100 Detail
Balsamico Dressing Betty Bossi Coop 110.5 pack (50 g) 463 0 4 10 0 Detail
Butter with chives Tesco 40.8 portion (25 g) 171 4 Detail
Die mit Leichte yoghurt 25% fet Du darfst 609.5 pack (250 g) 2 552 3 12 62 Detail
Kren Meerretich Spreads Hofer 2.3 1 g 10 0,05 0,04 0,25 Detail
margarine Pyszny Duet 2.1 1 g 9 0 0,07 0,25 Detail
Die Leichte mit Yogurt 2.3 1 g 10 0,02 0,03 0,25 0 Detail
BIO SPELLED cream 309.7 pack (200 g) 1 297 1 22 24 3 Detail
Frau Antje Leicht 25% fet 567.4 pack (250 g) 2 376 0,5 0,75 62 Detail
butter Philadelphia 245.0 100 g 1 026 6 3 24 Detail
margarine Every Time 1108.2 pack (500 g) 4 640 0 125 0 Detail
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