
Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Salat vegetarisch Penny to go 76.9 100 g 322 2 5 6 Detail
Reduced fat coleslaw Marks & Spencer 163.6 100 g 685 0,8 8 14 2 Detail
Itamiamo tomatoes with basil 26.7 100 g 112 1 4 0,1 Detail
giant couscous, chickpeas 156.6 100 g 656 7 14 7 7 Detail
Seafood salad in mayonnaise Atlantic 572.9 pack (150 g) 2 399 10 8 56 Detail
prosciutto salad with roasted chicken 571.7 320 g 2 394 35 20 38 5 Detail
Salad of cauliflower, quinoa and chickpeas with yogurt dressing with feta cheese with mint 120.8 pack (175 g) 506 7 9 4 10 Detail
M & S Reduced fat coleslaw 1.6 1 g 7 0,01 0,06 0,14 0,02 Detail
salad of beets and onions 273.0 pack (300 g) 1 143 4 39 10 5 Detail
pickles Nowaco 104.6 350 g 438 3 21 0,7 0 Detail
Fish Salad Nowaco 314.5 pack (150 g) 1 317 3 6 30 Detail
salad of beans and tomatoes Box and diet 26.0 1 portion 109 1 6 0 1 Detail
NUTRICARE breakfast salad with chicken 297.6 portion (296 g) 1 246 28 23 11 Detail
Insalata Mista Chef Menu 59.9 pack (300 g) 251 3 7 0,6 Detail
Pasta salad with chicken Grand 389.7 pack (300 g) 1 632 19 52 10 Detail
salatella surimi with prawns 291.8 100 g 1 222 5 8 27 Detail
salad soybean apples peas with cilantro 152.1 176 g 637 9 10 8 5 Detail
French blue cheese salad Delmart 185.1 100 g 775 5 7 15 Detail
Titbit Greece 266.3 pack (250 g) 1 115 6 7 23 3 Detail
Salad with kurczakiem wedzonym 0.9 1 g 4 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,01 Detail
Potato salad Palma 299.2 140 g 1 253 2 24 21 2 Detail
wurst salat 263.2 100 g 1 102 4 5 26 Detail
saffron risotto fresh salads 345.6 100 g 1 447 27 36 10 Detail
pasta salad with chicken Aramark 473.3 portion (310 g) 1 982 20 61 19 Detail
Salad Chef Menu 170 g 197.2 piece (170 g) 826 2 11 16 Detail
Tides feferonovy salad 1.9 1 g 8 0,04 0,12 0,15 Detail
Thunfisch salad mexikanisch 1.1 1 g 5 0,11 0,1 0,02 Detail
Naples salad 2 1.6 1 g 7 0,07 0,07 0,11 Detail
Starbucks caesar salad 339.8 210 g 1 423 19 10 25 Detail
salad Black Forest 174.5 portion (130 g) 731 12 14 7 1 Detail
Sweet and crunchy Side Salad Marks & Spencer 48.2 pack (145 g) 202 2 6 0,87 3 Detail
Mexican rice, quinoa and avocado salad Marks & Spencer 287.3 portion (205 g) 1 203 6 39 11 6 Detail
HAM HOCK & EGG Superfood salad with mustard and lemon & aioli M & S 302.1 pack (230 g) 1 265 20 22 12 14 Detail
Carrot salad with pineapple Boneco 217.1 350 g 909 2 52 0,7 Detail
Salad with tuna Hello! bakery 0.9 1 g 4 0,06 0,03 0,05 Detail
Pasta Chicken Salad maleda 3.3 1 g 14 0,13 0,31 0,17 Detail
salad of roasted fish 107.0 100 g 448 5 6 7 Detail
Salade de pates et aux legumes au thon 292.5 pack (250 g) 1 225 20 20 12 14 Detail
Chicken salad with parmesan cheese from the box 237.6 portion (300 g) 995 27 10 9 Detail
Swiss salad KOKR 178.6 100 g 748 11 5 13 Detail
Bulgur Salad Lentils Vitakrone 542.4 pack (250 g) 2 271 18 55 27 Detail
Calvo mediterranean Mediterranean salads with tuna 173.4 pack (200 g) 726 14 14 7 Detail
Fish Salad exclusice 2.6 1 g 11 0,05 0,08 0,23 Detail
Ruccula Mix salad Norge 26.0 200 g 109 2 3 0,4 Detail
beetroot Vitazel 80.7 100 g 338 2 11 4 Detail
Titbit vegetable salad with celery and raisins 1.1 1 g 5 0,02 0,09 0,09 Detail
fleischsalat mit Gurke 2.8 1 g 12 0,06 0,02 0,27 Detail
salad with fresh pineapple and cheese 110.5 100 g 463 3 8 8 Detail
tuna salad with beans Tesco 377.6 pack (160 g) 1 581 18 14 27 6 Detail
Boneco Cabbage salad with horseradish 0.4 1 g 2 0,01 0,1 0 Detail