
Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Ikea godis chokladkrokan 5.2 1 g 22 0,05 0,62 0,29 Detail
Douceur 25.0 5 g 105 0,4 1 1 Detail
Millet cake with polenta 620.9 200 g 2 600 14 120 14 8 Detail
Dafne 239.3 pack (50 g) 1 002 5 29 11 Detail
biscuits with almonds and coconut 57.5 piece (11 g) 241 0,74 6 3 0,36 Detail
Osterhase 5.4 1 g 23 0,06 0,58 0,32 Detail
banbro 85.0 1 piece 356 6 10 2 2 Detail
Apple Crumble Confiserie Firenze 1536.0 pack (400 g) 6 431 17 241 55 Detail
Halva with milk flavor 1518.1 pack (270 g) 6 356 32 129 98 Detail
froletti Integral Forno Battistini 443.2 100 g 1 856 8 68 14 5 Detail
Chocolate Dates 229.7 100 g 962 2 62 6 Detail
Milka Toffee Classic 947.9 pack (213 g) 3 969 7 143 41 1 Detail
knuss 535.0 100 g 2 240 7 50 34 Detail
Frankonia Rum Trüffel milk chocolate rum truffle filling and fructose 102.2 portion (20 g) 428 2 10 6 0,6 Detail
chiquilín 5.0 1 g 21 0,06 0,67 0,24 Detail
Tesco all butter coins 260.8 portion (65 g) 1 092 3 37 11 2 Detail
CBA grape sugar 99.1 pack (27 g) 415 24 0,32 Detail
Lila Stars hazelnuts in chocolate 5.9 1 g 25 0,11 0,35 0,45 0,02 Detail
Freddi O mamma Chocolate Cake 1218.1 pack (300 g) 5 100 15 158 57 8 Detail
Mince white lamb 4.7 1 g 20 0,07 0,57 0,25 Detail
ZeroGrano Frollini 200.3 portion (40 g) 839 0,96 28 9 0,8 Detail
Pur Zarte Feinherb 668.5 pack (125 g) 2 799 6 64 41 Detail
Madam coconut bar 436.1 pack (100 g) 1 826 10 55 19 5 Detail
Vita day cookies 5.2 1 g 22 0,08 0,57 0,3 Detail
Cruesli Chocolat Cappuccino 206.6 45 g 865 3 30 8 3 Detail
Creola Xoya Tafel LINDT 550.0 pack (100 g) 2 303 8 49 35 Detail
Meranetti 3.8 1 g 16 0,05 0,52 0,16 0,06 Detail
peanut cookies fine bakeries 543.8 100 g 2 277 12 55 31 Detail
MULTI FOOD Protein Pudding Vanille 113.9 portion (30 g) 477 25 3 0,27 0 Detail
Samba exotic 118.4 pack (110 ml) 496 2 18 4 0,22 Detail
Tripoli cioccolato dessert 283.2 100 g 1 186 4 31 16 Detail
Belgian white chocolate chunk Reduced fat 460.9 100 g 1 930 5 69 18 Detail
Princes vanilla 4.7 1 g 20 0,06 0,76 0,17 Detail
Baronie belgian chocolate 510.8 100 g 2 139 6 53 30 Detail
Dark Chocolate Crunch Bar 235.0 100 g 984 20 14 11 9 Detail
Milka Alpine Milk Chocolate Cream 604.9 100 g 2 533 5 46 44 1 Detail
Bio Break Sesame Mix 577.0 pack (100 g) 2 416 22 23 43 7 Detail
BeBe Brumík 117.9 pack (30 g) 494 2 18 5 0,42 Detail
peanut curd cupcakes 221.4 100 g 927 12 14 13 1 Detail
Côte d'Or Bitterkoekjes 5.2 1 g 22 0,06 0,52 0,31 0,08 Detail
Friedel Eielikör Zapfen 476.9 100 g 1 997 2 53 24 Detail
Belbake Mix For Hazelnut Cupcakes 1382.9 pack (326 g) 5 790 21 117 93 Detail
Fabulous fingers 539.0 100 g 2 257 6 58 31 0,5 Detail
Tiramisu Confect Tiraminelli 87.4 portion (15 g) 366 0,84 7 6 Detail
Milka chocolate 575.6 100 g 2 410 5 52 38 3 Detail
Bar in dark chocolate coconut OSKRI 290.1 pack (53 g) 1 215 2 30 17 Detail
Selection Strawberries in whole milk chocolate 530.9 pack (100 g) 2 223 6 56 31 Detail
Milk chocolate with cocoa bean pieces 6.2 1 g 26 0,12 0,38 0,46 Detail
Hello Kitty Chocolate Smarties 139.0 pack (30 g) 582 0,9 23 5 0,6 Detail
Tesco caramel chocolate 106.7 portion (20 g) 447 1 12 6 0,26 Detail