
Food suitable for kidney problems

Kidney is contains in

Name Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
mozzarella cheese 100 g 1 176 19 2 22 Detail
light mozzarella Galbani pack (125 g) 862 24 2 11 Detail
mozzarella light lovilia solid component (125 g) 822 24 2 11 Detail
Italo Ricotta cheese whey portion (20 g) 104 2 0,6 2 Detail
Zottarella classic mozzarella Zott pack (125 g) 1 298 22 2 24 Detail
Galbani mozzarella 125 g 1 246 21 2 22 Detail
mozzarella Clever pack (125 g) 1 282 22 2 24 Detail
mozzarella light Tesco 100 g 749 22 0,5 10 Detail
AH basic mozzarella 125 g 1 112 21 0,62 20 0 Detail
Lovilia grated Mozzarella 20 g 275 5 0,4 5 Detail
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