
Top foods that are high in inositol include: grapes, peanuts, cabbage, cereal sprouts, beans, cerebellum and heart, grapefruit, liver, brewer's yeast, cantaloupe What do we need inositol for? it has calming effects it lowers cholesterol levels it promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss it helps with skin diseases

Inositol is contains in

Name Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
white turnip 100 g 110 1 5 0,1 2 Detail
spinach 100 g 64 2 0,6 0,3 Detail
Frozen spinach K-Classic Kaufland 100 g 102 3 0,6 0,2 4 Detail
Frozen spinach puree 100 g 100 2 3 0,3 2 Detail
Chira spinach packed 200 g 216 6 1 2 4 Detail
Beer light 11% average pack (500 ml) 875 2 20 0 Detail
Pilsner Urquell beer 500 ml 891 2 24 0 1 Detail
Beer light 10 ° 500 ml 775 1 10 Detail
beer Kozel 11 pack (500 ml) 835 2 45 0 0 Detail
Radegast beer purely bitter 12 500 ml 925 2 20 0 0 Detail
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