
Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
pudding creamy flavor 348.9 100 g 1 461 0,3 86 0,1 0,9 Detail
Monulish date palm stick 229.0 50 g 959 7 21 12 4 Detail
rolls with cheese in aspic 108.9 100 g 456 6 5 8 Detail
keto milk cuts roll 0.7 1 g 3 0,07 0,02 0,02 Detail
SPEEDIET caramel muffin with peanut flavor 118.7 portion (32 g) 497 18 4 2 4 Detail
bio organic sauerkraut juice 15.2 100 ml 64 0,8 2 0,2 1 Detail
mushroom risotto Dietalegre 146.6 55 g 614 10 29 4 4 Detail
Pancake natural Protifast 95.7 pack (28 g) 401 18 4 0,22 1 Detail
Dietalegre semolina pudding with cinnamon 120.3 portion (36 g) 504 18 6 1 5 Detail
Belbake 6 Croissants 185.8 piece (56 g) 778 5 21 9 Detail
supreme taste white chocolate raspberry pat Bodylab 228.8 pack (65 g) 958 24 16 9 Detail
fit tiramisu 2 268.9 100 g 1 126 14 32 8 Detail
Natura secret ajvar fine 1.6 1 g 7 0,02 0,05 0,16 0,01 Detail
bean brownie with chocolate and cocoa protein 48.2 100 g 202 5 4 0,6 0,3 Detail
roasted and salted sunflower seeds 818.0 200 g 3 425 31 16 50 Detail
Sunarka honey jelly 223.7 portion (60 g) 937 6 46 0,78 3 Detail
Sweet moments pudding Dr. Oetker 0.7 1 g 3 0,02 0,15 0,01 Detail
dish first spoon carrots 33.6 pack (125 g) 141 1 7 0,25 3 Detail
Dark chocolate pudding Premium 110.1 100 g 461 3 16 3 0 Detail
baguette with chicken nuggets CAB 393.1 piece (230 g) 1 646 62 47 16 Detail
collegrande pomodori secchi 17.6 portion (10 g) 74 0,36 1 1 0,69 Detail
Coop sterilized vegetables w.egg 95.7 pack (330 g) 401 2 22 0,82 3 Detail
Ketokoktejl Ketomix 3.5 1 g 15 0,68 0,1 0,03 0,06 Detail
autopilot 614.0 pack (200 ml) 2 571 0 154 0 0 Detail
spirulina taiwan 5.7 3-tablet portion (2 g) 24 1 0,22 0,09 Detail
OatSnack Energy 267.7 65 g 1 121 4 42 9 Detail
Oatmeal Mini Pizzas fitrecepty 159.0 portion (100 g) 666 10 21 4 Detail
chocolate caramel muesli Dietalegre 122.0 pack (30 g) 511 11 12 3 2 Detail
bifidus natur 94.3 125 g 395 3 15 2 0,12 Detail
Mustard English Mustard Lidl 29.8 portion (15 g) 125 1 3 2 0,07 Detail
Pasta with dried tomatoes Sun dried tomatoes paste 376.1 pack (180 g) 1 575 4 18 30 Detail
vegetables with chicken Hami 63.7 pack (125 g) 267 3 8 2 2 Detail
cinnamon cookies without gluten and sugar 374.0 100 g 1 566 10 49 11 2 Detail
JETBAR green apple and spirulina euron 3.8 1 g 16 0,07 0,69 0,09 0,09 Detail
Raspberry cheesecake protein Fitnessmenu 1.9 1 g 8 0,16 0,2 0,07 0 Detail
aspic 33.4 100 g 140 9 0 0,01 0 Detail
Genius shortcrust pastry 1796.1 pack (400 g) 7 520 4 176 117 9 Detail
pizza dough Artisanal Globus 245.0 100 g 1 026 8 45 3 Detail
Sunarka semolina with honey 173.6 portion (45 g) 727 4 36 0,45 2 Detail
Chia Banana Shake 92.4 25 g 387 5 11 2 4 Detail
Ecomil Vanilla Almond 35.1 portion (100 g) 147 0,4 4 2 0,2 Detail
chickenburger re-fresh mc 399.1 portion (175 g) 1 671 14 42 19 2 Detail
Bodylab classic pancake 86.7 portion (25 g) 363 8 12 0,68 0,95 Detail
Cauliflower Pie 2 133.7 100 g 560 8 10 6 Detail
Dried seaweed Provita 2.6 1 g 11 0,11 0,33 0,01 0 Detail
Spelled crackers chia declaim 449.9 100 g 1 884 14 58 17 6 Detail
potato mixture 806.5 350 g 3 377 38 97 28 Detail
Hokkaido muffins 229.0 100 g 959 8 16 15 0,5 Detail
proteinut cinnamon roll Extrifit 5.4 1 g 23 0,3 0,14 0,37 0,2 Detail
Porridge with blueberries, chia seeds, honey and yoghurt 423.4 295 g 1 773 15 60 12 7 Detail