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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Adveno crackers with chestnuts and vanilla 496.0 100 g 2 077 15 36 31 9 Detail
Adveno flour walnuts 407.9 100 g 1 708 46 20 14 11 Detail
Adveno gluten-free bread behappy hemp 379.0 100 g 1 587 4 75 7 Detail
Adveno gluten-free bread with amaranth 186.2 50 g 780 1 40 2 Detail
Adveno mashed chestnut and natural vanilla 397.4 100 g 1 664 5 90 2 9 Detail
Adveno pear porridge 182.4 portion (50 g) 764 3 37 1 5 Detail
Adveno porridge with amaranth 157.8 portion (40 g) 661 4 32 1 Detail
Adveno porridge with quinoa 382.6 100 g 1 602 10 75 4 Detail
Adveno porridge with sorghum, coconut and cardamom 196.3 portion (50 g) 822 4 40 2 Detail
Adveno porridge with Teff 375.7 100 g 1 573 9 79 3 Detail
Adveno sesame flour 831.6 250 g 3 482 125 90 5 Detail
Adveno sorghum porridge with pear and ginger 368.3 100 g 1 542 7 75 2 Detail
Adveno with sorghum porridge 117.7 portion (30 g) 493 3 24 0,99 1 Detail
Adveno with sorghum porridge, apple and cinnamon 190.5 portion (50 g) 798 2 44 0,3 Detail
apple fiber Adveno 293.0 100 g 1 227 4 35 3 55 Detail
apple pulp fine holistically 28.9 piece (10 g) 121 0,4 4 0,3 6 Detail
Bamboo fiber Adveno 196.0 100 g 821 0,1 0,1 0,1 97 Detail
Crackers with chilli Adveno 37.7 piece (8 g) 158 1 2 2 1 Detail
Gluten-free Bodyguard with protein and fiber 213.7 piece (50 g) 895 9 19 10 6 Detail
Gluten-free bread everyday with sorghum and pumpkins 365.9 100 g 1 532 11 55 9 11 Detail
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