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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Appel Hering in Dill Creme kräuter 260.1 100 g 1 089 5 22 Detail
Appel Hering in toasty Creme 403.1 pack (200 g) 1 688 23 11 29 Detail
Appel herring fillets of tomato, mozzarella 389.7 pack (200 g) 1 632 24 10 26 0 Detail
fillets of herring in fruit sauce with mango and curry Wellness Harmony 418.9 200 g 1 754 25 14 29 2 Detail
fillets of herring in sweet and sour vegetable sauce with ginger 404.1 200 g 1 692 24 17 26 Detail
Hering in tomato Appel 186.0 pack (100 g) 779 13 5 13 Detail
Hering Tomate Barbecue 257.2 piece (120 g) 1 077 12 6 20 0,72 Detail
Hering Zarte Filets Tomate Curry 1.9 1 g 8 0,12 0,05 0,13 Detail
herring fillets in egg mustard sauce 565.5 pack (200 g) 2 368 22 6 42 Detail
Herring fillets in spicy sauce with mango and chilli 400.0 pack (200 g) 1 675 26 12 28 2 Detail
natural berry diet shake 0.2 1 g 1 0,01 0,03 0 0,04 Detail
Pangasius Filets in Mango-Chilli Sauce 242.4 pack (170 g) 1 015 20 15 8 0 Detail
Pangasius Filets in Thai Curry Sauce 240.0 pack (170 g) 1 005 22 15 8 2 Detail
Salsa Picante fillets tin Appel Hering 375.4 200 g 1 572 22 25 Detail
sardine fillets without skin Madeleine Appel Grun 317.9 100 g 1 331 22 0,5 26 0,2 Detail
WellneHeringsfilets Sauce und mit Mango Curry 367.3 pack (200 g) 1 538 24 16 23 Detail
wellness herring fillets with mango and chilli 1.9 1 g 8 0,12 0,06 0,12 0,01 Detail
Zarte Herings filets Appel 350.6 pack (200 g) 1 468 23 9 23 Detail
Zarte Herings Filets in Paprika Cream 388.1 pack (200 g) 1 625 23 9 28 1 Detail
Zarte Herings Filets in Pfeffer Creme 421.3 pack (200 g) 1 764 23 12 31 0,6 Detail
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