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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
4 brötchen baguette - baguette baking for IBIS 179.3 piece (75 g) 751 5 37 0,6 2 Detail
4 Steinofen Brötchen 191.7 piece (75 g) 803 7 37 1 Detail
Bagels korn IBIS 237.1 portion (85 g) 993 10 34 6 2 Detail
baguette baking for Ibis 124.9 piece (50 g) 523 4 25 0,65 1 Detail
baking baguettes to Ibis 119.4 50 g 500 3 25 0,4 1 Detail
Briolini Brioche brötchen 147.1 piece (40 g) 616 3 19 6 0,76 Detail
ciabatta classic for baking 250.3 100 g 1 048 8 49 2 3 Detail
Finn Brod 235.0 100 g 984 7 47 1 6 Detail
finn Ford toastbrötchen Ibis 2.3 1 g 10 0,07 0,47 0,01 0,01 Detail
Finnish bread bio IBIS 154.5 portion (65 g) 647 4 30 0,65 Detail
French baguette Ibis 125.3 portion (50 g) 525 4 25 0,75 1 Detail
IBIS Buttebrioche 75.2 portion (22 g) 315 2 11 3 Detail
IBIS buttery brioche 343.6 portion (100 g) 1 439 7 51 12 Detail
ibis mini bruschetta 64.2 piece (23 g) 269 2 12 1 0,74 Detail
Ibis mini wheat pancake with rosemary 298.0 100 g 1 248 10 50 6 Detail
IBIS Schoko brötchen 420.8 100 g 1 762 7 45 23 Detail
Kinder Croissant 223.5 piece (48 g) 936 2 25 12 Detail
Mini ciabatta Tomato Ibis 263.4 100 g 1 103 9 49 2 Detail
Mini onion ciabatta Ibis 254.8 100 g 1 067 8 50 1 0 Detail
Roll with skimmed milk 135.1 piece (40 g) 566 4 21 4 Detail
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