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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
Bread Sonnen Kaufland de kern 144.5 slice (63 g) 605 6 19 4 Detail
bread toasted sunflower with linseed Harry 64.7 piece (25 g) 271 2 10 2 2 Detail
Bread Vital Fit Harry 133.0 piece (55 g) 557 4 21 3 4 Detail
buttered toast Harry 66.8 piece (25 g) 280 2 12 0,93 0,7 Detail
das full korn Harry 211.6 100 g 886 6 38 2 9 Detail
Harry Eisweissbrot 103.6 piece (42 g) 434 10 6 4 3 Detail
Hefegebäck Mit Rosinen 2.6 1 g 11 0,06 0,53 0,03 Detail
raisin toast bread 2.6 1 g 11 0,06 0,53 0,03 Detail
sammys super sandwich 93.8 portion (38 g) 393 2 1 Detail
Sandwich Kings proteinreich Harry 126.1 piece (42 g) 528 6 16 4 2 Detail
Soft Harry Brot 118.4 portion (42 g) 496 4 20 2 3 Detail
Toastbrotchen Mehrkorn HARRY 125.3 piece (56 g) 525 5 21 2 3 Detail
Vital bread and Chia 142.1 57 g 595 5 23 3 Detail
Vollkorn Urtyp Harrybrot 121.3 piece (62 g) 508 3 22 0,68 6 Detail
Weltmeister Chia Krustchen 249.1 piece (85 g) 1 043 9 29 10 5 Detail
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