
Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
cereal bar with milk filling and honey 133.2 pack (30 g) 558 2 18 6 2 Detail
Lactose-free pudding MinusL 156.2 piece (125 g) 654 4 20 6 0 Detail
Mars mix 4.7 1 g 20 0,05 0,67 0,21 0,01 Detail
Deva crunchy nougat 123.2 pack (22 g) 516 1 12 8 Detail
Milk Chocolate winter edition vanillekipferl 540.7 100 g 2 264 6 59 31 Detail
Tesco Sponge Biscuits 22.6 piece (6 g) 95 0,58 4 0,26 0,12 Detail
MOZART piano bar 238.8 pack (45 g) 1 000 4 23 14 Detail
Alles Gute Vollmilch Lindt Schokolade 545.0 100 g 2 282 7 56 32 Detail
Rice crackers One & One 500.1 100 g 2 094 6 75 17 Detail
Hazelnut Cookies K Classic 96.0 piece (19 g) 402 1 11 5 Detail
Torras dark chocolate with cinnamon sugar free stevia 583.7 pack (125 g) 2 444 8 40 45 24 Detail
Chips flavored with garlic 421.8 pack (75 g) 1 766 4 41 28 Detail
Crispy Cups Eichetti 58.0 piece (10 g) 243 0,42 5 4 Detail
wreaths cocoa Nature Line 36.3 piece (7 g) 152 0,6 5 2 0,29 Detail
Trumpf Edle Tropfen in Nuss Classic collection 58.2 12,5 g 244 0,57 7 3 0,45 Detail
Moser Roth Mousse Au Chocolat Sour Cherry Chilli 85% Cocoa 186.7 bar (37 g) 782 3 18 12 2 Detail
Dulcesol Macarons Chocolat 83.5 portion (20 g) 350 1 12 3 0,54 Detail
Snowies Mister CHOC Lidl 5.0 1 g 21 0,02 0,75 0,21 0 Detail
Alnavit Schoko coconut fruchtriegel 170.0 piece (40 g) 712 2 21 7 4 Detail
wafer filled with hazelnut filling and milk-icing Jupiter 101.7 piece (17 g) 426 1 10 5 Detail
Mousse au Chocolat Torte 344.8 100 g 1 444 6 33 21 Detail
Puffed rice in caramel 37.0 100 g 155 0 5 2 Detail
margarine STROOPWAFELS 132.3 piece (30 g) 554 1 21 5 0,24 Detail
Orion ladybugs 50.8 piece (10 g) 213 0,42 6 3 0,16 Detail
Schogetten Airy Zartbitter-Kirsch 32.0 piece (6 g) 134 0,4 3 2 Detail
Afroditky cookies with caramel cream 4.2 1 g 18 0,05 0,5 0,22 Detail
Chocolate cream CARAMEL WAFER Marks & Spencer 176.0 pack (35 g) 737 1 21 9 0,81 Detail
dessert Tatiana 60.4 piece (11 g) 253 0,7 6 2 0,2 Detail
Protein Pancake creamy chocolate filling 301.9 100 g 1 264 36 29 5 Detail
Doppel cracker Mini 51.1 piece (11 g) 214 0,45 8 2 Detail
Nesquik snack 80.9 15 g 339 1 8 5 0,2 Detail
COOP Dessert chocolate-vanilla 136.6 100 g 572 3 18 6 0,5 Detail
Bwindi cornet with coffee 546.9 100 g 2 290 5 46 36 Detail
protein Flapjack 4.2 1 g 18 0,28 0,33 0,22 Detail
Basini Chocolate flavored with mint and green tea 21.0 piece (4 g) 88 0,08 3 1 0,08 Detail
Protein Riegel Layenberger 120.8 35 g 506 16 9 3 2 Detail
fine food butter cookies milk chocolate 70.9 piece (14 g) 297 0,99 8 4 Detail
Firenze cheesecake pudding 285.4 100 g 1 195 5 43 10 0,9 Detail
Rice waffle sandwiches 83.1 piece (17 g) 348 1 11 4 Detail
Vollkorn cookie Kastner 410.8 100 g 1 720 7 55 18 Detail
SparKnusper Muesli Kokos 469.0 100 g 1 964 9 62 19 8 Detail
Amylon Bio vanilla pudding 140.9 pack (40 g) 590 0,36 35 0,08 Detail
Love bar Sweet Cocoa Candies 536.9 portion (100 g) 2 248 3 64 30 0,5 Detail
Cin Orange Jelly Biscuit 119.6 piece (27 g) 501 1 20 4 0,73 Detail
Mini Ranger 86.4 piece (18 g) 362 0,81 12 4 Detail
Twix Spread 1122.0 200 g 4 698 5 116 70 Detail
Gout - The beads of chocolate - white 479.1 100 g 2 006 31 8 30 23 Detail
Orion figurines cream with caramel filling 52.7 piece (11 g) 221 0,38 7 3 0,12 Detail
almond cookies with a creamy filling 568.9 100 g 2 382 9 51 36 Detail
Napolitaner 5.4 1 g 23 0,1 0,49 0,34 Detail