Vitamin K

Top foods that are high in vitamin K include: yogurt, yolk, soybean oil, fish fat, seaweed, leafy greens What do we need vitamin K for? it prevents bone thinning it prevents internal bleeding it reduces menstrual bleeding

Vitamin K is contains in

Name Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
White farm yoghurt 3.5% fat 100 g 279 4 4 4 Detail
White Greek yogurt 0% fat Milko cup (140 g) 334 14 5 0,42 Detail
yoghurt 2.4% White Classic cup (150 g) 390 7 7 4 0 Detail
White creamy yoghurt 3.7% Pilos pack (150 g) 417 6 7 6 0 Detail
white yogurt Valašska cup (150 g) 410 6 8 5 0 Detail
Greek yogurt 0% fat chocolate Milko cup (140 g) 501 12 17 0,42 Detail
Active white yogurt with bifidus cultures Pilos pack (135 g) 370 6 7 4 0 Detail
My Skyr white Milko 140 g 392 17 6 0,42 Detail
Jogobella fruit yogurt, blueberry, strawberry, apricot, baked apple, cherry 150 g 634 5 22 4 0,3 Detail
Greek white yoghurt 5% fat Milko cup (140 g) 554 12 6 7 Detail
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