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Name Calories(kcal) Amount Energy (kj) Proteins (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
artischocken artichoke 27.9 100 g 117 2 4 0 0,9 Detail
energy green coffee and omega 3 Vital 61.6 pack (100 g) 258 0,6 11 0,5 0 Detail
Hailed almonds and cashews 449.5 100 g 1 882 9 55 19 11 Detail
lentil chips Vital 303.5 pack (65 g) 1 271 8 38 12 3 Detail
marinated tofu steak Vitall herb butter 155.9 100 g 653 14 9 Detail
Multi Grain Flakes spar Vital 379.7 100 g 1 590 15 72 2 6 Detail
multigrain bread sliced ​​Vital 119.9 50 g 502 4 18 3 4 Detail
Soja Drink Schoko Vital 106.0 200 ml 444 6 11 4 2 Detail
Tagliatelle Fitas dark 355.8 100 g 1 490 12 72 2 Detail
Vital bread 171.9 slice (50 g) 720 2 29 3 Detail
Vital cereal bread with minimal gluten content 131.3 50 g 550 4 18 5 Detail
Vital Fit Haferkleie 3.5 1 g 15 0,17 0,53 0,06 0,15 Detail
Vital green lentils coarse-fibred 298.7 100 g 1 251 24 36 1 26 Detail
Vital molasses 26.5 portion (10 g) 111 0,31 6 0,05 Detail
Vital oat rye wheat bread 126.8 slice (72 g) 531 5 25 0,94 7 Detail
Vital Saaten Schnitten 107.9 piece (25 g) 452 4 10 5 4 Detail
Vital smoked tofu 315.7 200 g 1 322 30 16 Detail
Vital turkey ham 43.9 50 g 184 10 0 0,6 0,05 Detail
Woodman smoked tofu with sesame 229.0 100 g 959 23 2 14 Detail
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